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Plastic - Bitumen Roads


Deepti Yellanki , JNTU, Kakinada


Bitumen (Tar), Plastic-Bitumen Roads


Plastic waste is a major environmental and public health problem at Jamshedpur. Plastic shopping or carrier bags are one of the main sources of plastic waste. Plastic bags of all sizes and colors dot the city‘s landscape due to the problems of misuse, overuse and littering. Besides this visual pollution, plastic bag wastes contribute to blockage of drains and gutters, are a threat to aquatic life when they find their way to water bodies, and can cause livestock deaths when the livestock consume them. Furthermore, when filled with rainwater, plastic bags become breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which cause malaria. Burning of these chlorine-containing substances releases toxic heavy metals and emits noxious gasses like dioxins and furans. They are the most toxic and poisonous substances on earth and can cause a variety of health problems including damage to the reproductive and immune system, respiratory difficulties and cancer. Land filling of plastics into properly designed disposal sites takes up valuable room in the site for a non-toxic, non-leachable, non-decomposable material. Whether plastic is a menace or not depends how we use it and how we dispose of it minimizing the impacts on the environment. We are collecting the threat (waste plastics) from the source, segregating the waste and shredding the same into 2-4mm size and mixing the shredded plastic to make a coating over the aggregates used for road construction providing the road a tremendous strength at no extra cost. Plastic gets coated over stone and the hot plastic coated stone is mixed with bitumen (tar) and the mix is used for road laying.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I70160
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 7
Publication Date: 01/10/2016
Page(s): 125-127

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