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Lead Time Reduction of Structure Assembly


Micah Peter Dsouza , Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering


Lean Manufacturing, DMAIC, Time Study, Standard Time, Value Stream Mapping, Project Management


Lean manufacturing is a collection of tools that are used to reduce the waste and improve the efficiency in manufacturing. The manufacturing industry has enormous challenges in the current regulatory and political local weather with setting up an economically and environmentally sustainable industry model. This project reviews the literature and some of the lean principles such as the Value Stream Mapping. Aim is to reduce lead time by eliminating wastes and non-value added activities in the assembly line. The project is conducted with systematic approach of DMAIC. First the project charter is prepared with the help of guides and the supervisors in the company. Data collection was made by using time study procedure. Using this procedure standard time was calculated. By analyzing this data the current value stream map was developed and value added and non-value added activities were identified. By cause and effect diagram and pareto chart six sub-assemblies were selected for the improvement. By brainstorming with the guides and supervisors corrective actions and preventive actions were created. The project management technique of Critical Path Method was used to draw results. Using this technique optimal duration for the structure assembly was obtained. This project has enabled the company to reduce the structure assembly lead time by 70%.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I70261
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 7
Publication Date: 01/10/2016
Page(s): 312-313

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