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Design and Vibration Analysis of Composite Panels


Vijaykumar Sahadeo Ghorade , SKNSITS LONAVALA; Ganesh A Kadam, SKNSITS LONAVALA


Vibration Analysis of Composite Panels, FEA Analysis of Existing Composite Panel


Sandwich panels have high strength to weight ratios hence have been successfully used for many years in the aviation and aerospace industries, as well as in marine, and mechanical and civil engineering applications. Also they have attendant high stiffness. The use of the sandwich constructions in the aerospace structures can be traced back to Second World War when British De Havilland Mosquito bomber had utilized the sandwich constructions. In the early use, the sandwich structure was very simple in construction, with simple cloth, fabric or thin metal facings were used and soft wood were used as the core. The conventional sandwich construction comprises a relatively thick core of low-density material which separates top and bottom faceplates (or faces or facings) which are relatively thin but stiff. Also they have attendant high stiffness. In design and vibration analysis of composite panels firstly the FEA analysis of existing composite panel made from epoxy glass fiber is done and after that by means of using FFT analyzer, testing of composite panel which made from epoxy fiber glass is done. And results obtained form it is compared with the FEA analysis. If results are varying then by changing different compositions in composite material and again testing of new composite panel with changes made. And we have to repeat this until we get the satisfied results.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I70281
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 7
Publication Date: 01/10/2016
Page(s): 421-424

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