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Discerning the Results of Topology Optimization to Realize Mass Reduction for Steering Knuckle Arm


Pranjal Ramesh Kelkar , Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of engineering & management, Pune, India; Prof. V. R. Bajaj, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of engineering & management, Pune, India; Swapnil S. Kulkarni, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Alard College of engineering & management, Pune, India


Steering Knuckle, Altair Hyperworks, FEA, Weight Reduction, Topology Optimization


This work aims to investigate the probable alternative geometry for the Steering Knuckle Arm in an attempt to reduce the weight of the component. While doing so, the mass needs to be removed from the geographical regions of the part that do not contribute to the stresses supported by the component. This could be visualized over the contour plot for stress over the Finite Element Model. This is further analyzed using Topology Optimization for facilitating the review of the non-contributing regions through 3D mass densities pertaining to the stress. The alternative geometry generated during the research work should be feasible for manufacturing. The experimentation for the component shall validate the alternative geometry in terms of its performance relating to its stiffness. The response for stiffness is aimed to be maintained during the transition from the benchmark geometry to the new geometry. The precise geometry addressing the functional need of the component shall be expedited to stay compatible for the manufacturing process. The work shall be concluded with the recommendation for the new design with a reduced mass of the material.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I70285
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 7
Publication Date: 01/10/2016
Page(s): 400-402

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