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Cross Layer based Clustered Multipath Routing Techniques in MANET


Ms. A. Logalakshmi , Muthayammal College of Arts and Science, Rasipuram ; Mrs. M.Sudha, Muthayammal College of Arts and Science, Rasipuram


MANET, Cluster, Cross Layer, Routing, Multipath


In MANET traditional approach, each layer of the IP protocol stack operates independently. The information is being shared between the adjacent layers only. Due to the dependencies between physical and upper layers, the traditional approach is not suitable for Mobile Adhoc Networks. There is need to cross the normal layer boundaries to improve the performance of communication and hence better than the application layer performance. In Cross layer design, the data is shared between the different protocol layers dynamically. In the proposed research, both cross layer and multipath routing are integrated together in order to achieve network performance. In existing works, multipath routing was selected based on link quality and where in case of the proposed research, multipath routing is chosen based on less delay and bandwidth.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV4I90314
Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 9
Publication Date: 01/12/2016
Page(s): 399-404

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