A Flow Control Approach using Tag Based Filtration for Cloud Computing and Its Statistical Performance Analysis |
Author(s): |
Neha Joshi , Jawaharlal Institute of technology borawan |
Keywords: |
Software System, Cloud Computing, Security, Flow Control (FC), Labeling, Classification, Rule, Tag filtration, Encryption, Integrity, and Isolation |
Abstract |
Cloud computing technology is the integration of various computing models for serving the goals of tenant computation. It provides various operations as a service to the end users or the provider. Mainly the system deals with various internal components from which the flow of data is organized and depends on each other. Information flow control over cloud is one of the recent domains which require more effort to solve its issues related with security and robustness. The model counts the behavior of user access towards various services, complexity of flow, consumption and security measures. But as of now the users is getting exponentially increased with cloud and hence generates the issues related with isolation of data on interconnected devices. It makes more surface area for security attacks. Information flow control (FC) also assures confidentiality and integrity between the users interaction with the system. Primarily the flow control approaches use tagging or labeling mechanism. All it needs to clearly identify the traffic with cost effective categorization. For applying the categorization or class formation the data flow is analyzed and classified into several group of having communication similarities known as subjects. Traditional flow control is having certain issues regarding with clear separation of user’s interaction, classification of flow information, categorizing the traffic classes, self contained tagging, labeling with over and under level process. This work suggests a novel flow control based on tag filtration for cloud computing. So many provisions are generated for guiding the information flow and achieves clear classification with improved accuracy. The result is been evaluated at analytical level is serving all the needs of effective flow control mechanism. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV4I90529 Published in: Volume : 4, Issue : 9 Publication Date: 01/12/2016 Page(s): 802-809 |
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