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Design of Multicontrolled Vehicle for Hampered People


K. Jeyasri , DR.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology; N. Kavitha, DR.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology; R. Gopinathan, DR.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology; D. Darshan, DR.Mahalingam college of engineering and technology


Multi Controlled Vehicle, Hampered People


Globally each and every organization technology is well developed and became modernized. Similarly we make some remedy for physically challenged people to travel in a smooth manner from one place to another. Our project is based on an objective to develop a modern technology vehicle for physical challenged people. The main aim of our project is to provide a remedy for the physically challenged people using sensor and image processing based techniques. This technology will also create a tremendous change in the automobile world. Here, we have developed a vehicle which can operate in three modes. The mobile application used for controlling the vehicle is Blue Terms and BT voicer. For general purpose to select the modes we have to use the BT app and for the voice control alone we have to go for the BT voicer app .If we provide a command in the app depending upon the command the vehicle gets operated. Image processing techniques helps to visualize the objects who is passing in front of the vehicle and the image is displayed inside the computer screen, so it is easy to travel without disturbances from the external agents. The vehicle is operated in electrical power hence it becomes an environmentally friendly vehicle.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I10989
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2017
Page(s): 1535-1537

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