Corporate Employee Welfare Network |
Author(s): |
Tapshyu Ganvir , Wainganaga college of engg. and mang. dongargaon nagpur; Shital Dhule, Wainganaga college of engg. and mang. dongargaon nagpur; Yash Joshi, Wainganaga college of engg. and mang. dongargaon nagpur; Prof. Shubhas Malewar , Wainganaga college of engg. and mang. dongargaon nagpur |
Keywords: |
Computer, Internet, Web Browser, Database |
Abstract |
Corporate Employee Welfare (CEW) is web-based environment that’s allows corporate employees to surf online and communicate with others employees to solve the problems and matter’s to be discussed. CEW allows the employees to share Innovating ideas, all company meets, Technical Droughts, etc Employee can manage their profile and give their qualification and work experience details .Qualification and Work Experience details can also be viewed by the admin and other employees. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV5I11000 Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 1 Publication Date: 01/04/2017 Page(s): 1538-1540 |
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