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Analytical and Experimental Investigation on Engine Waste Heat Recovery for Utilization in Food Delivery Vehicle


Umang R. Pathak , L. D. College of Engineering; Dhruv U. Panchal, L. D. College of Engineering


Exhaust heat; Waste Heat recovery; Food delivery vehicle; food delivery box; Heat Exchangers


Recent trend regarding the most effective ways of using the deployable sources of energy in to useful work in order to reduce the rate of consumption of fuel as well as pollution. Out of all the earth's sources, the internal combustion engines are the main consumer of the fuel round the globe. Out of the whole heat provided to the engine in the form of fuel, about thirty to forty percent is converted into useful mechanical work; remaining heat is expelled to the surroundings through exhaust gases, engine cooling systems and radiation, that causes entropy rise and high environmental pollution, therefore it’s needed to utilize waste heat into useful work. For this a system comprises with a combination of heat exchangers is used to extract the waste heat of automobile and utilize this heat to keep food warm in food delivery vehicle as maintaining temperature and quality of food in food delivery is the major problem. A coil type heat exchanger integrated with an IC engine and heat exchanger mounted on fins are used to extract heat and this heat is used to keep the food items warm in the delivery box by placing another heat exchanger in a food delivery box which rejects heat into the box.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I30084
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 01/06/2017
Page(s): 24-27

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