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Secure Data Sharing in Cloud using a Cryptographic Server


Neetal A. Revankar , BVCOEW; Shital B. Jadhav, BVCOEW; Sanjli S. Raorane, BVCOEW; Vaishnavi D. Sagale, BVCOEW; Payal D. Oswal, BVCOEW


Cloud Computing, SeDaSC


Cloud Computing is the future generation internet based computing system which provides easy and customizable services to the users for accessing their data or to work with various cloud applications. One of the major services provided by cloud is data storage. Cloud Computing is a way for storing & accessing the cloud data from anywhere by connecting the cloud application using internet. Cloud Computing security is the main issue rising nowadays. As Cloud computing provides facility for a group of users to share and access the stored data, there is a possibility of having high data risk. A secure and efficient data sharing scheme needs to provide identity privacy, access control, multiple owner and dynamic data sharing without getting affected by number of cloud users revoked. In our project, we propose the Secure Data Sharing in Clouds (SeDaSC) methodology that provides:1) Data confidentiality and integrity; 2) access control; 3) data sharing 4) insider threat Security; 5) forward and backward access control. The SeDaSC encrypts file with a single encryption key. Two different key shares for each of the users are generated, with the user only getting one share. The possession of a single share of a key allows the SeDaSC methodology to counter the insider threats. The other key share is stored by a third party, which is called other cryptographic server.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I40018
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 01/07/2017
Page(s): 28-32

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