Design and Development of Hydro Pressure Testing Machine for Casing |
Author(s): |
Shubham Mate , Pd. Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology; Chetan Chaudhari, Pd. Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology; Vinayak Mali, Pd. Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology; Ravikumar Mali, Pd. Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology; Mahesh Pawar, Pd. Vasantdada Patil Institute of Technology |
Keywords: |
Hydrostatic testing of casing, Analysis of machine structure and fixture, Hydraulics & Electronics |
Abstract |
Hydro pressure testing machine is used for testing of products works under high pressure such as gas cylinders, boilers and fuel tanks, filter head, casings etc. Casing is the part used to close the ends of a pipeline; pump etc. casing also can also use to change the flow of fluid. According to its application, it possesses high pressure of fluid on its surface. Therefore it should be tested for deformation and leakages. Testing of component is necessary to ensure the safety. Hydro pressure testing is always preferred when it comes to test a product which going to operate at high pressure in field. Also it is cheap and effective method. For those operators who will be able to use hydrostatic testing, this presentation offers some useful guidelines to help the operator optimize confidence in the test as a means of integrity assurance. In this work application of pressurized water is going to be used for testing purpose. In this work design and analysis of machine structure and clamps is done. Parts of the hydraulic circuit and electrical circuit are bought out and assembled according to system requirements. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV5I40023 Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 4 Publication Date: 01/07/2017 Page(s): 12-17 |
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