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Synthasis & Investigation of the Mechanical behaviour of Luffa, Groundnut Shell, Chicken Feather and Cowdung Fibers Reinforced Epoxy Composites


Thalluri Saikishore , SVCE, Tirupati, AP, India; P. Punna Rao, SVCE, Tirupati, AP, India; Dr. M.Chandra Sekhara Reddy, SVCE, Tirupati, AP, India


Luffa powder, Cow Dung Powder, GCLC Composite Material, Chicken Feather


The invention and subsequent growth of composite materials has bought a revolution in the world over the last three decades. The composite materials were available in the olden days in many forms are under a tremendous research now a days because of its high strength to weight ratio especially in structural applications. The main theme of composite material is to reduce the weight and improve mechanical properties .To obtain this we prepared a new composite material that consists of ground nut coir fiber powder and, chicken feather powder, luffa powder, cow dung powder .we named it as GCLC COMPOSITE MATERIAL. The mechanical behaviour and the properties are explained by using experimental results. In India, large number of ground nut plants available at Gujarat (27.87%) and Andhra Pradesh states (24.19). and luffa plants are highly available in U.P and Punjab. So large number of ground nut coir and luffa is available for preparation of composite material. And also large amount of cow dung are available from neighbourhood sources and chicken feather are also available treated& un treated conditions .cow dung and chicken feather both are waste by products for making of composites.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I40044
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 01/07/2017
Page(s): 42-46

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