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Experimental Investigation on EDM of Titanium Alloy using Taguchi Method


P. Vamshi Krishna , Jayamukhi institute of technological sciences, Narsampet, Warangal(R), T.S, 506332; Dr. V. Vikram Reddy, Jayamukhi institute of technological sciences, Narsampet, Warangal(R), T.S, 506332; Mr. B. Shivakumar, Jayamukhi institute of technological sciences, Narsampet, Warangal(R), T.S; Mr. M. Shashidhar, Jayamukhi institute of technological sciences, Narsampet, Warangal(R), T.S


Electro Discharge Machining, EDM of Titanium Alloy


Electro Discharge Machining (EDM) is a newly developed non-traditional machining technique for “difficult to machine” conducting materials. In EDM, the material removal of the electrode is achieved through high frequency sparks between the tool and the work-piece immersed into the dielectric. In the present work, an investigation has been made into the electrical discharge machining process during machining of Titanium alloy (Ti-6Al-4V). Taguchi method is used to formulate the experimental layout, to analyze the effect of each process parameters peak current (I), pulse on time (Ton) and pulse off time (Toff); varied in three different levels to predict the optimal choice for each Material Removal Rate (MRR), Tool Wear Rate (TWR) and Surface Roughness(SR). L9 Orthogonal array is used to conduct Experimentation. To identify the significance of parameters on measured responses, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) has been done. It is found that parameters peak current and pulse on time have the significant affect on material removal rate, tool wear rate and surface roughness. However, parameter pulse off time has less significant affect compared to the former on material removal rate. Optimal combination of process parameters was obtained to yield max MRR, min TWR and SR separately using Taguchi method. The optimal parametric setting for Maximum MRR (2.30248 mm³/min) is at Peak current: 28A (Level 3), pulse on time; 100 µs (Level 1) and pulse off time: 185 µs (Level 3). The optimal parametric setting for Minimum TWR (0.0149 mm³/min) is at Peak current: 12A (Level 1), pulse on time; 200 µs (Level 3) and pulse off time: 185 µs (Level 3) and for minimum SR (3.3505 µm) it is at Peak current: 12A (Level 1), pulse on time; 100 µs (Level 1) and pulse off time: 65 µs (Level 1). Confirmation tests are conducted at their respective optimum parametric settings to verify the predicted optimal values of each performance characteristics. The results obtained were in good agreement with the experimental values.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I50116
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 01/08/2017
Page(s): 134-139

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