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Finite Element Analysis of Tibia Boneduring the Rehabilitation Period


Pratik S Thakre , Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, MH (India); Dr. K. S. Zakiuddin, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, MH (India)


Tibia, Modelling, Simulation, Finite Element Analysis, Post-Surgery Period


Biomechanics involves modelling and simulation of biological objects using mechanical laws. In humans, biomechanics often refers to the study of how the skeletal and musculature systems work under different conditions. In biomechanics more generally, scientists often try to apply physics and other mathematically based forms of analysis to discover the limits and capabilities of biological systems. The tibia is the major weight-bearing bone of the lower leg. The proximal portion of the bone, the tibial plateau, forms the lower surface of the knee joint. Today, rather than a field that scientists and philosophers dabble in, biomechanics is its own branch of human and biological science, with entire departments in hospitals and universities devoted to the subject's study. The tibial shaft bridges the distance to the distal tibia which grant the superb articular surface of the ankle joint at the tibiotalar articulation as well as the medial malleolus. Another key bony landmark is the tibial tuberosity which sits many centimeters below the joint line and the poorer patellar pole and serves as the attachment site for the patellar tendon. A strong fibrous structure, the interosseous membrane, or syndesmosis, connects the tibia and fibula along the length of the two bones. Proximally, this structure, reinforced by strong anterior and posterior ligaments, makes a synovial joint, the proximal tibiofibular articulation. Distally, the interosseous membrane and three ligaments, the anterior, posterior, and transverse tibiofibular ligaments stabilize the superior ankle joint. The objective of this research work is to perform the Finite element analysis of Tibia bone during the post-surgery period. The analysis will be performed to compare the healthy bone, bone after one month of surgery, bone after two months of surgery. This will be helpful for doctors and surgeons to understand the various aspects of bone strength during the rehabilitation period.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I50321
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 01/08/2017
Page(s): 480-482

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