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Comparison of Range of Applicability of Equilibrium and Energy Approach to Find Euler's Critical Load for One End Fixed and Other End Pinned Short Column


Wasim Reza , St. Mary's Technical College, kolkata


Stability of Structure, Euler’s Critical Load, Equilibrium Approach, Energy Approach


In structural engineering, column is a compression member or a structural element which is subjected to compressive stress. Compression is a application of balanced pushing force to different points on a structure due to that force, the resultant stress in member is known as compression stress. Any structure is able to good stand any external force without causing damage and cracking is known as stability of structure. Failure of stability causes due to two different reasons, explained below. 1) Failure with respect to material. 2) Failure with respect to geometry. There are different approach to analysis of stability of column such as equilibrium approach, energy approach, imperfection approach, dynamic approach etc. In this investigation a comparison is made between equilibrium and energy approach to stability analysis the short column of one side fixed and other side pinned by finding the Euler’s critical load.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I60089
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 6
Publication Date: 01/09/2017
Page(s): 175-177

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