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Design of Tall Building under Low SBC using ETABS and Safe


MK Kareemulla Khan , AVN Institute of Engineering and Technology; Dr. MD Subhan, AVN Institute of Engineering and Technology


SBC, ETABS, Lateral Forces, Earth Quake Loads


The present scenario aims to construction tall building in a pollution free areas and also friendly environment, people focusing on a rural areas to be developed as all the offices and commercial places are constructed nearby so, with this issue the rural areas observed to be having Low SBC and structural engineers are aimed to have pile foundation and other hydraulics jack dampers technology to make the structures determinate and stiffened. This terminology has proved that the tall buildings using these methods are structurally strong and durable to resist the lateral loads such as seismic, wind, etc. Indian cities are observing a massive expansions due to construction of multinational companies in rural areas aiming for pollution and environmental free campuses leading urban trend & housing demand etc. considering economy of a project, I have been focused on a 40 floors commercial project on a low SBC and carried out with etabs and safe foundation software's on raft foundation & different environment conditions on earthquake and wind parameters. The title named "Design of Tall Building under Low SBC using ETABS and Safe".

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV5I90107
Published in: Volume : 5, Issue : 9
Publication Date: 01/12/2017
Page(s): 195-201

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