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Agriculture Environment Monitoring System using Android Wi-Fi


Mr. Kalpataru Bakul Patil , PSGVPM, D.N.Patel COE, Shahada; Mr. Mahesh Bhikesing Girase, PSGVPM, D.N.Patel COE Shahada; Mr. Vijay Atmaram Mali, PSGVPM, D.N.Patel COE Shahada; Mr. Sachin Suresh Koli, PSGVPM, D.N.Patel COE Shahada; Prof. Jayvant R. Saindane, PSGVPM, D.N.Patel COE Shahada


Smart Agriculture, Android Wi-Fi, Soil Moisture Sensor, Humidity & Temperature Sensor, Fire Sensor


Agriculture has been the main occupation in our country for centuries. But now, due to the migration of people from rural to urban areas, there is an obstacle in agriculture. So, to overcome this problem, we look for intelligent farming techniques that use IoT. This project includes several functions, such as GPS-based remote monitoring, humidity and temperature detection, intruder intrusion, security and adequate irrigation facilities. It uses wireless sensor networks to continuously observe soil properties and environmental factors. Several sensor nodes are implemented in different locations in the farm. The control of these parameters is carried out via any remote device or Internet service and operations are performed via interface sensors, GSM, voice kit, etc. with a microcontroller. This concept is created as a product and is given to the well-being of the farmer. Advanced development in wireless sensor networks can be used to monitor various parameters in agriculture. Due to the uneven natural distribution of rainwater, it is very difficult for farmers to monitor and control the distribution of water in the farm field across the farm or according to crop needs. There is no ideal irrigation method for all climatic conditions, soil structure and crop variety. Farmers suffer big financial losses due to bad weather forecasts and wrong irrigation methods in this context, with the evolution of miniaturized sensors and wireless technologies, it is possible to remotely control parameters such as temperature, humidity and moisture. The main objective of this document is to develop an intelligent wireless sensor network (WSN) for an agricultural environment. Monitoring the agricultural environment by various factors such as temperature and humidity along with other factors can be significant. A traditional approach to measuring these factors in an agricultural environment has led people to measure manually and verify them at different times. This document investigates a remote monitoring system that uses the wireless network. These nodes send data wirelessly to a central server, which collects data, stores it and allows them to be analyzed, viewed as necessary and also sent to the customer's mobile phone.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I30029
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 01/06/2018
Page(s): 39-44

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