Behavior of Wideband Digital AGC for 16-QAM, 8-PSK Constellations and Two-Tone IMD |
Author(s): |
Nikhil Nicholson , Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology, Vasan, Gandhinagar; Prof. Pratik Patel, Shankersinh Vaghela Bapu Institute of Technology, Vasan, Gandhinagar |
Keywords: |
Digital AGC, 16-QAM, 8-PSK Constellations, Two-Tone IMD |
Abstract |
Digital Automatic Gain Control (AGC) is required to control the variations in amplitude of the signal to maintain a constant level at the output. Now-a-days in modern communication receivers mostly processing is done in digital domain. In this project, digital AGC is designed for wideband communication systems. Here the implementation of digital AGC is done in FPGA using Xilinx ISE software in VHDL (Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language). Input from VSG is given to ADC of 14 bits resolution, thereafter power is calculated which provides the memory address for the LUT, in which attenuating factor is stored. Then the input signal is multiplied with the LUT output in multiplication block; to give constant output which is given to DAC of 16 bits and analysed in VSA. Finally the behavior of this Digital AGC is observed in QAM, PSK and Two-tone signals. Here the dynamic range obtained is around 45 dB to 50 dB. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV6I30047 Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3 Publication Date: 01/06/2018 Page(s): 53-56 |
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