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Comparative Analysis of Conventional Slab, Flat Slab and Post-tensioning Slab


Vishal Gupta , RKDFIST College Bhopal; Rohit Sahu, RKDFIST College Bhopal; Dr. Pankaj Singh, RKDFIST College Bhopal


Post Tension Slab, Bounded Tendons, Unbounded Tendons, Concrete


In the present study main focus on economic analysis between conventional and post tensioning slab. Post tensioning method is very popular now days, because difficult method of construction. It is not use in frame structures like buildings. It is widely used in heavy structures like bridges, mat foundation etc. Application of post tension slab for industrial and office building with large span is corporately better then rain forced concrete slab. In small span post tensioning slab is not good in economical aspect but in other aria likes serviceability, durability of structure and faster constriction with respect to convention slab can provoke the over look of economical expect post tensioning methods can be majorly divided into two part either bonded or unbounded tendon first method that is or bounded tendons method is achieved by grouting the duct containing steel tendon after stressing, so the bound between the prestressing steel and concrete transfer the prestressing force to the members. Unbounded tendons is achieved by transmitted the force by anchorage of prestressing steel. In this method tendon ducts are left without grouting and grouting process is only used at anchorage portion. This paper introduces economical comparison between different type of slab and different type of construction technique. The analysis and design is verified all Indian stranded codal provision in manual calculations as well as a power full computer software SAP2000.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I30123
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 01/06/2018
Page(s): 79-81

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