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CAN based Accident Alert and Driver Safety System


Sahana S , Dr. Ambedkar Institute Of Technology; Harsha R , Dr. Ambedkar Institute Of Technology; Deeksha K, Dr. Ambedkar Institute Of Technology; Apurva S, Dr. Ambedkar Institute Of Technology


CAN Protocol, Accident Alert, Driver Safety


According to data obtained by study conducted by world health organization, lots of the human lives are being lost every year due to vehicular accidents. The accident may be due to the carelessness of driver. Driving the vehicle in a hurry, driving with insufficient sleep or driving with alcohol intake are some of the reasons for carelessness driving. Many campaigns are being conducted for causing awareness in the public about the frequent disasters occurring due to over speed vehicular movement on the road, but yet the number of injuries and loss of lives are increasing day by day. In order to overcome this situation, a wireless monitoring system along with MEMS three dimensional accelerometer and GPS tracking system with CAN protocol is developed. At the occurrence of the accident, the wireless device will send information in the form of message to predefined phone numbers such as family member, emergency medical care unit and nearest hospital for immediate medical help. The exact location of the vehicle is traced using GPS tracking system. This system not only helps in accident tracking but even in accident avoidance as in the case of drinking and driving. Alcohol sensors are used for this purpose such that if it detects the driver is under influence of alcohol the vehicle steering is locked.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I30387
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 01/06/2018
Page(s): 1113-1116

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