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Automatic Power Theft and Fault Monitoring System in Transmission Line using Zigbee


S. Monisha , IFET college of Engineering; Sivananthan. N, IFET college of Enginnering


Automatic, Fault Detection, Wireless Technologies and Zigbee


In this paper a smart ZIGBEE based fault detection and location system was used to adequately and accurately indicate and locate the exact spot where fault had occurred. This will ensure a shorter response time for technical crew to rectify these faults and thus help save transformers from damage and disasters. This system automatically detects faults, analyses and then, sends the information through electricity board. In conclusion, the time required to locate a fault is considerably reduced, as the system automatically and accurately provides accurate fault location information.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I30559
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 01/06/2018
Page(s): 2343-2346

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