Engine Cooling and Pre Heating of Fuel using Peltier Element |
Author(s): |
J. Rahul , Saranathan College of Engineering,trichy |
Keywords: |
Engine Cooling, Pre Heating of Fuel |
Abstract |
Cooling system is a very integral part of a vehicle. It is a must thing to maintain the maximum power output and better fuel economy of any vehicle. In earlier days only air-cooling was used in almost all vehicles but the rolled out days changed the fate of vehicles by introducing the water-cooling system. The pre heating of fuel will helps to increase the performance of an engine. We will take a look on that in our following project. Our project puts forward the idea of Engine Cooling and Pre Heating of Fuel using Peltier Element. This system is not an existing system and is completely a very new concept in the field of engine cooling. With the help of the law proposed by Peltier. We made this a successful system and increased the cooling efficiency of an engine. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV6I30632 Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3 Publication Date: 01/06/2018 Page(s): 1223-1224 |
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