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Control of Three Phase Induction Motor by Arduino with IOT


Anbuganapathy S , IFET College of Engineering; Sivanantham N, IFET College of Engineering


Ardiuno, IoT, Three Phase Induction Motor


This paper deals with the control the external operation of the electrical appliances connected to this system from far away from the operator. For this purpose user can use android type of mobile. Using the IoT, can switch and fault detection of the electrical devices. This is used for agricultural, industrial, domestic, commercial application. The circuit diagram consist of GSM module and Wi-Fi modules are connected to microcontroller. At the load side the load should be either 1-phase or 3-phase. From this paper, the three phase induction motor is controlled by using microcontroller (arduino UNO). In this proposed system, we are monitoring and controlling the speed of induction motor as well as direction of the motor. This system consists of microcontroller, Temperature sensor, induction motor and WI-FI module. The temperature sensor which measures the temperature of the Induction motor. The main objective of this paper is to maintain the speed of the three phase induction motor can be controlled easily. It reduces the harmonic content of motor current and increase the motor efficiency. The speed control of the motor can be achieved by varying the input parameter of the motor such as current, voltage.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I30643
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 01/06/2018
Page(s): 1182-1185

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