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Effective Music Video Recommendation System based on User's Singer Interest


Antony Ukken , Sambhram Institute of Techonology, Bengaluru-97, Karnataka, India ; Srinath K. S, Sambhram Institute of Techonology, Bengaluru-97, Karnataka, India ; Shubham Malik, Sambhram Institute of Technology, Bangalore- 97, Karnataka, India; Preeti Choudhary, Sambhram Institute of Technology, Bangalore- 97, Karnataka, India


Text Mining, Recommendation System, Machine Learning


In today's era users are very much influenced and attracted by the social media and services. They spend lot of time to fetch their favourite video from a huge amount of videos available on the internet. Video providers don't know what kind of video does the users prefer and don't prefer. This paper presents a search based and the interest-based approach used for YouTube video recommendation for the users. The aim is to provide the users with music video suggestions that the user prefers. This approach collects the data as the user views the video, creates a sequence, compares with the other user searches and recommends the video to the user which they might be interested. But, only an intuitive and accurate visualization interface can be provided by this video recommendation system.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I30935
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 3
Publication Date: 01/06/2018
Page(s): 1686-1689

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