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Railway Track Fault Detection System


Akshaykumar Kulkarni , Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering; Vrushab Pandhare, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering; Aniket Chougule, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering; Manoj Pachore, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering; Prof. Mrs. P. S. Shetgar, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering


Arm 7 (LPC 2148), GSM, GPS, LCD Display, Mems Sensor, IR Sensor


Today, India has possesses the fourth largest railway network in the world. In India, most of the commercial transport is transfer by the railway network from one place to another network and therefore, any problems occur in the same has the capacity to create major damage to the economy. However, in terms of the reliability and safety parameters, we have not provided protection to the traction system. The main problem occurs in the railway track is detection of cracks in the structure. If these deficiencies are not managing or protect at early stages they might lead to a number of derailments resulting in a heavy loss of life and railway property. This project proposes a cost effective solution to the problem of crack detection of rail track utilizing IR sensors which detect the exact location of faulty tracks which then system operated immediately so that many lives will be saved and avoid the railway accident This project is implementation of with LPC2148 microcontroller using GSM module and GPS receiver. Here IR sensors are used to found the crack in the track, whenever crack is detected GPS receiver receives the location information. This information of the crack detecting is send to the railway authority by using GSM system.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I40515
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 01/07/2018
Page(s): 581-584

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