Automated Toll Collection per Kilometer in Toll Plaza |
Author(s): |
Prajval Kumar C , ATME college of Engineering, Mysuru; Archana B C, ATME College of Engineering; Nikhil K, ATME College of Engineering; Girish M, ATME College of Engineering |
Keywords: |
Toll Plaza, Automated Toll Collection |
Abstract |
Today, due to the increase in the vehicles, there is a lot of gathering of the traffic at the toll booths. The main reason for this traffic at the toll booths is due to the manual working of the toll tax collection at the booths. Each vehicle in an average needs to stop at the toll booth for about a minute for the payment of the toll tax. In order to decrease this traffic, we decided to work on the construction of a project which reduces the manual work and hence increases the vehicle speed passing by the toll booth. Also, people pay taxes till next toll booth, but they will not travel till there they take a diversion in between, to avoid the loss of money which they had not travelled. We decide to pay for the kilometer the vehicle has been travelled. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV6I40621 Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 4 Publication Date: 01/07/2018 Page(s): 668-672 |
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