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Determination of Accident Point Weightage for a Mixed Traffic Flow in Teir-2 City Mysuru: A Case Study


Mrs. Bharathi. B , ATMECE, MYSURU; Chethana. R, ATMECE, MYSURU; Roopashree. K, ATMECE, MYSURU; Dhanu Kumar M S, ATMECE, MYSURU; Rahul. A, ATMECE, MYSURU


Black Spots, Spot Speed, Traffic Accidents, Volume Studies, Gap Acceptance


Accidents are not natural but they are caused' is a common Cliche in the area of traffic Safety. Thus, if Accidents are caused by someone surely, ones responsible for could be identified and appropriate remedial measures developed and implemented to the extent feasible. The investigation is carried out to identify and analyse accident black spots in the study area. This study identifies the reasons for accidents that may be due to the improper geometric design, vehicle condition, and driver negligence or may be of environment factor and suggest measures on priority basis and alternatives to reduce the accidents in the streets of study area and identify black spots and conduct volume studies, spot speed & gap acceptance, through this research, an attempt has been made to develop Accident Prediction Model to take remedial measures in advance by studying future trends, to take mitigation measures to minimize the accident rates to certain extent and to take other safety measures. The model is developed using accident prediction model as a modelling technique and also to reduce the Fatality Rate in the study area.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I40678
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 4
Publication Date: 01/07/2018
Page(s): 865-868

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