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Speed Control of Three Phase Induction Motor by V/f Method for Batching Motion System




AC Drive, Batching System, Counter Meter, Encoder, Gear Box, Encoder, Three Phase Induction Motor


A three phase induction motor is basically a constant speed motor so it's somewhat difficult to control its speed. The speed control of induction motor is done at the cost of decrease in efficiency and low electrical power factor. Normally the variable frequency drive is used for the speed for the speed control of three phase induction motor for the various applications. Also variable frequency Drive is used for power saving when the load on the motor is less. This work proposes a new concept of using variable frequency drive for controlling the speed of the batching motor by using variable frequency drive and three phase induction motor. The paper is depend upon the batching system which is one application of weaving machine which rolls the cloth with specific tension so that it should neither slacken the cloth nor tightened it by replacing DC system with the AC system.. The motion of this loom is controlled by induction motor where in the AC drive is used to run the induction motor which rotates the drum through pulley.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I50041
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 01/08/2018
Page(s): 67-70

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