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Hybrid Electric Vehicle using PI PD Controller


Mr. Chetan R. Patil , sssutms Sehore; Prof. Alka Thakur, sssutms Sehore


Electric Vehicle, Hybrid Electric Vehicle, MATLAB Modeling, Control Vehicle


This paper deals with the increasing oil price and mounting environment concerns, cleaner and sustainable energy solutions have been demanded. At present transportation constitutes a large portion of the energy consumed and pollution created. One of the efficient solutions is the existence of vehicle that works on both fuel energy and electrical energy with optimized performance. HEV with different structures such as series, parallel, series parallel has been studied so far. HEV is consists of mainly two design elements mechanical and electrical. Mechanical design part includes ICE Car Dynamics while Electrical part includes Controller Design and Electrical Subsystem. This dissertation work especially focuses on the controller design of HEV. HEV control section includes four different rudiments to be controlled. These are engine speed controller generator controller motor controller and battery controller. This paper considered design of proportional integral (PI), proportional derivative (PD), proportional integral derivative (PID)for analysis of engine, motor and generator performance This leads to the development of component models of the physical system such as the power distribution system and mechanical driveline. In this paper work design of electrical part i.e. control design and ESS design has been carried out. The designed SPHEV has been analysed with the step change accelerator profile for the PI, PD, PID using performance measures such as rise time settling time peak time and peak overshoot.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I50061
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 01/08/2018
Page(s): 61-63

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