Design of Earthquake Resistant Low-Rise Building with Open Ground Storey |
Author(s): |
G. V. Shabareesh , SVR Engineering college. |
Keywords: |
Earthquake Resistant Low-Rise Building |
Abstract |
The behaviour of the building with infill wall when the lateral loads are acting on it will be different when compared to the building without infill wall. But in the common practice in the analysis of the building the stiffness of the infill wall is ignored. In compensation for the discontinuity of the stiffness IS 1893: 2002 allows analysis of the building without considering infill stiffness but with a multiplication factor of 2.5. The code says that the beams and columns of ground floor without infill wall must be designed for 2.5 times the moments and shears calculated for a bare frame under seismic load. So the main objective of this paper is to check whether the multiplication factor 2.5 is realistic for the low rise buildings and to compare the seismic analysis of the building with and without considering the infill strength and stiffness. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV6I50086 Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 5 Publication Date: 01/08/2018 Page(s): 129-133 |
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