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Development of Numerical Model of Natural Convection Heat Transfer for Wire-mesh Vertical Fin


Abdullah F. Ansari , Pillai College Of Engineering; Meeta S. Vedpathak, Pillai College Of Engineering


Heat Transfer, Wire-Mesh Fin, Natural Convection


The finite difference method in conjunction with least square scheme and experimental temperature data is used to evaluate the approximate value of heat transfer coefficient on the wire-mesh fins in natural convection for various fin spacing and height of the fin. In present study the effect of radiation is neglected and only convection phenomenon is used to predict the heat transfer coefficient in natural convection. Since distribution of temperature on the entire surface is assumed to be uniform, hence the heat transfer coefficient on this wire-mesh fin is assumed to be uniform. Moreover the whole fin surface is divided into several sub-fin regions or discretised in small domain to predict the value of heat transfer coefficient and with the help of governing equation, obtain the value of temperature distribution which then finally compared with the experimental data. The result shows that the value of h (Heat transfer coefficient) increases with increasing the fin spacing between two fins. The fin temperature departs from the ideal isothermal situation and decreases more rapidly away from the base with increasing the fin spacing. In order to validate the accuracy of the present finite difference method, a comparison of temperature value at different location obtained by experiment and by finite difference method on the fin, is made.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I50161
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 01/08/2018
Page(s): 199-202

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