Characteristics of Fresh and Hardened Concrete with Incorporation of Nano Silica and Artificial Sand |
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Keywords: |
Nano Silica, Artificial Sand, Concrete, Workability, Compressive Strength, Split Tensile Strength & Flexural Strength |
Abstract |
Concrete is the largest consuming construction material along the Globe. Technological developments in this field introducing new technologies and materials to save natural resources, environment and to enhance the properties of concrete. Cementitious materials play a vital role in the construction industry. In concrete, cement is the basic binding material and its production emits huge quantities of CO2 and leads to pollution of air such as greenhouse effect. In this research work nano silica of 1 to 100 nm size is used as partial replacement of cement and Natural river sand is completely replaced with artificial sand produced form crushing of rocks. The workability of concrete is tested by slump test and for hardened concrete, compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strengths were tested with suitable specimens. The workability reduction of fresh concrete by use of artificial sand in place of river sand is maintained by adding suitable super plasticizer upto 1.1% it is found that at 8% replacement of cement with nano silica gives maximum strengths and optimum workability. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV6I60058 Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 6 Publication Date: 01/09/2018 Page(s): 116-119 |
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