E-Governance: Centralized System of Municipal Corporation to Citizens |
Author(s): |
Ashwini Kate , SND College of Engineering & Research Centre, Yeola ; Pansare Sonali, SND College of Engineering & Research Centre, Yeola ; Bhagyashri Thakur, SND College of Engineering & Research Centre, Yeola ; Prof. Pandav R. M., SND College of Engineering & Research Centre, Yeola |
Keywords: |
E-Governance, Centralized System, Municipal Corporation, Citizens |
Abstract |
Municipal Corporations or city corporations in India are urban local government bodies that work towards the development of those cities which have a population of more than one million (10 lakh). They are also called Mahanagar Palika or Mahanagar Nigam. Population levels in these cities are so high, and always on the rise, that the local government is very important in managing and maintaining them. Essential community services like public healthcare, sewage, electricity, road, etc. are the municipality’s responsibility. The efficiency of municipal corporations in delivering their duties however, is abysmal Recently, Government is making the most of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to enhance the efficiencies and make possible new ways of delivering public services. For the government, the needs of people are to be identified and provide respective services. The proposed paper aims to overcome the problem faced by the citizen for the delayed response in resolving the several social issues that affects the rate of satisfaction of the complaints. This proposed work is the extension of Unique Identification number of the aadhar card for the authentication purpose of the citizen to register their complaints a token is provided to keep user identity safe. A complaint form will be designed by keeping all the features of the Municipal Corporation. The user can register their complaint with their personal message in the complaint box. The municipal corporation can resolve their work based on the priorities and the service for the complaint should be solved within the stipulated time. As the complaint status remains pending, it will be automatically forwarded to the higher official without the notice of the corresponding official. The result of this work is used to build a system to improve the complainant satisfaction. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV6I90186 Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 9 Publication Date: 01/12/2018 Page(s): 530-533 |
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