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Formula One Safety: A Review


Mohammed Annan Mugal , Government Engineering College Ajmer


Formula One, Safety, Flags, Equipment, Regulations


This paper aims at defining and decoding the various safety measures, precisely focusing on the evolution of safety on Formula One racing track and the usage of different colour flags and their significance used during the race for signalling the drivers. The first race season of Formula One was held in 1950, it was a seven race series which started on 13th May and completed on 3rd September. Back then the safety precautions were not as good as they are today. Over the past few decades the races have seen a great improvement considering safety to be the first priority. Advancement in science and technology has led to the decrease in deaths or critical injuries to the drivers during the racing. Safety equipment used by the drivers and the pit crew also ensure the safety. A study was carried out by Australian Grand Prix Medical Centre in the year 2011 which shows the reasons due to which the patients were admitted in the centre. So to prevent critical accidents various techniques and safety measures are implemented. It is crucial to follow the guidelines stated by FIA not only by the drivers but also for the pit crew.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV6I90359
Published in: Volume : 6, Issue : 9
Publication Date: 01/12/2018
Page(s): 544-547

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