Investigations on Soil Characteristics Improvement by using Lime and RBI Grade 81 |
Author(s): |
Ajay Sharma , SIRTS, BHOPAL; Prateek Jain, BANSAL COLLEGE BHOPAL; Mr. Rakesh Patel, SIRTS BHOPAL |
Keywords: |
Black cotton soil, RBI Grade-81, CBR value |
Abstract |
In India approximately 52.6 million hectares of the land region are covered with black cotton soils. The Black cotton soils are hard when dry; however lose its quality totally when in wet condition. Different techniques are adjusted to enhance the building qualities of far reaching soils. The dangerous soils are either evacuated by great and better quality material or treated utilizing added substance. The present theory shows the properties of black cotton soils. In this study, black cotton soil was stabilized using RBI Grade-81and lime. For better performance of the structure built on such soils need to be improved. The poor engineering properties of soil have forced engineers to improve the properties of soil by various stabilizing techniques. There is a need to look towards alternative materials or methods. Soil stabilization using RBI grade-81 is one such technique which can be used to improve the Geotechnical properties of soil very effectively. RBI Grade-81 (Road Building International Grade-81) and lime is a natural and chemical soil stabilizer which can stabilize a wide range of soils in a very efficient, eco-friendly and least-cost manner. In this study, the effectiveness of the stabilizer RBI Grade-81 to stabilize the black cotton soil is investigated through laboratory experiments. RBI Grade-81and lime has been used as soil stabilizer in this study. Various Laboratory tests were performed to study the effect of RBI Grade-81 on the soil. Experimental results showed that RBI Grade-81and lime decreased the MDD and increased the OMC. It also reduces the Plasticity and swelling characteristics of soil. From the test results it was also observed that with the increasing dosage of RBI and with increasing curing periods, it effectively improved the CBR values of soil. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I100203 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 10 Publication Date: 01/01/2020 Page(s): 766-769 |
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