An Analytical Survey on Personal Health Record Access Control using Blockchain and Machine Learning |
Author(s): |
Aneesh Pillai , Modern Education Societys College Of Engineering; Parag Khankari, Modern Education Societys College Of Engineering; Shivshankar Giri, Modern Education Societys College Of Engineering; Vaibhav Ghatge, Modern Education Societys College Of Engineering; S. E. Ingale, Modern Education Societys College Of Engineering |
Keywords: |
BlockChain, Access Control Mechanism, Personal health Records |
Abstract |
For every citizen It is right to have a good medical treatment. Most of the time this kind of good treatments are only available in advanced countries like USA as these countries have strengthened their health care system. To provide immediate proper treatment these countries have a system of medical data vending, where doctors are seeking treatment history of already being treated, patient’s data from either a patient or by a doctor through an authorized data vendor. In this process data vendor is a major component and a trustless party between seekers and data providers. However, to provide a stronger security for the data Blockchains is being introduced in the network. Many methodologies are existed to provide an access control mechanism for the demanded data to ensure the strict security for the service of data providing process. However, most of them are still working with traditional manual models, so to enhance this, this paper insists usage of machine learning mechanisms to enhance the access control mechanism with blockchains. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I100354 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 10 Publication Date: 01/01/2020 Page(s): 708-711 |
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