Automated Railway Gate Controlling System |
Author(s): |
T. Himabindu , Audisankara College of Engineering and Technology, Gudur, A.P, India; U. Geethamadhuri, Audisankara College of Engineering and Technology, Gudur, A.P, India; T. Preethi, Audisankara College of Engineering and Technology, Gudur, A.P, India; K. C. Ramakrishna, Audisankara College of Engineering and Technology, Gudur, A.P, India |
Keywords: |
Ultrasonic Sensor, Train Detection, Stuck Detection, Alarm generator, Level Crossing |
Abstract |
This paper aims to provide an automatic railway gate at the level crossing to prevent the operation of the gate by a gate keeper by using the train and stuck detection on the level crossing, generating corresponding alert signal and controlling the gate. The solution is provided by developing a train and stuck detection module, light signaling module, alarm module, railway gate controller and a controller module. The train detection module consists of four ultrasonic sensors and stuck detection module has one ultrasonic sensor. Through the ultrasonic sensors train detection and stuck detection module generate high frequency signal. Then the controller unit detects whether the obstacle is train or stuck and takes required steps by controlling the gate. Experimental studies gives that the proposed system is more cost effective, reliable and simple in operation. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I100464 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 10 Publication Date: 01/01/2020 Page(s): 718-722 |
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