Soil Stabilization using Industrial Waste Fly Ash |
Author(s): |
Miss Shikalgar Sana R , Adarsh Institute of Technology, (Polytechnic), Vita, Maharastra, India; Ms. Rupali T Gadekar, Adarsh Institute of Technology, (Polytechnic), Vita, Maharastra, India; Mr. Pankaj S Vedpathak, Adarsh Institute of Technology, (Polytechnic), Vita, Maharastra, India; Ms .Shubhangi S Zarekar, Adarsh Institute of Technology, (Polytechnic), Vita, Maharastra, India |
Keywords: |
Soil Stabilization, Fly Ash |
Abstract |
The project deals with stabilization of soil using industrial waste. Unsuitable highway sub grade soil requires stabilization to improve its properties. Fly ash is used as raw materials when the sand can no longer be reused in the industry, it is removed from the industry and is removed from the industry and is termed as industrial waste sand. Fly ash was bought from locally available industries fly ash is used with variable percentage i.e., (10%, 20%, and 30%). For optimum percentage of fly ash within this that percentage of fly ash is used in sub base for stabilization. The project are planned to conduct various experiment like Specific gravity, sieve analysis, proctor compaction test, unconfined compressive strength and direct shear test to increase strength properties and behavior of sub base. Then the results and graphs of various mixes are compared to see their effects in sub base stabilization. The stabilization technique has an additional benefit of providing an environment friendly way to deal with fly ash. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I10608 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 1 Publication Date: 01/04/2019 Page(s): 848-850 |
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