Spy Robot Surveillance using nRF401 and Arduino |
Author(s): |
Mohammad Ikram Sheikh , Anjuman college of Engineering and Technology; Abdul Talib Sheikh, Anjuman college of Engineering and Technology; Sheikh Ayaz Kashmiri, Anjuman college of Engineering and Technology; Prof. Ramizuddin Khwaja, Anjuman college of Engineering and Technology |
Keywords: |
Android, Arduino, Camera, Robot, Robotics, Spy |
Abstract |
A nRF401 Controlled Spy Robot is an Arduino Uno based robot that can be monitored and controlled by a remote using a single-chip radio transceiver. The Wireless Network Camera mounted on the robot can also be displayed on any other Android device for monitoring. In this project simple materials are used like plastic wood for the chassis, cycle spokes for the wheel axle, L293D motor driver and two 600 rpm DC motors for propulsion in four directions namely front, reverse, left and right. nRF401 module is used to receive commands in the form of strings from the robot. The robot is covered with camouflage texture so that it does not alert surroundings. It is made up of simple materials rather than preassembled kits because the materials are readily and cheaply available, the robot becomes very lightweight and it can be formed into any desired size. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I10628 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 1 Publication Date: 01/04/2019 Page(s): 727-729 |
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