Learning Weighted Naive Bayes with Accurate Ranking, using a Correlation-Based Feature Weighting |
Author(s): |
Manamasi. Krishna Prasad , kmm institute of pg studies; Mr. G. Ananthanath, kmm institute of pg studies |
Keywords: |
Feature Weighting; Naïve Bayes; Correlation; Mutual Information; Mutual Relevance |
Abstract |
On the grounds that of its straightforwardness, productiveness and adequacy, gullible Bayes (NB) has stored on being some of the primary 10 calculations within the understanding mining and AI persons crew. Of more than a few ways to deal effortlessly its contingent freedom supposition, spotlight weighting has put more accentuation on particularly prescient highlights than those which are much less prescient. On this paper, we contend that for NB profoundly prescient highlights ought to be very related to the class (finest fashioned pertinence), yet uncorrelated with special highlights (least shared extra). In view of this motive, we propose a relationship centered element weighting (CFW) channel for NB. In CFW, the burden for an element is similar to the contrast between the element type relationship (fashioned importance) and the typical factor highlight inters correlation (usual shared excess). Test results demonstrate that NB with CFW just about beats NB and the more than a few current innovative highlight weighting channels used to believe about. Contrasted with highlight weighting wrappers for making improvements to NB, the principle features of curiosity of CFW are its low computational multifaceted nature (no inquiry incorporated) and the way that it keeps up the straightforwardness of the last model. Additionally, we follow CFW to content order and have complete distinguished upgrades. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I10945 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 1 Publication Date: 01/04/2019 Page(s): 1196-1199 |
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