Candidate Gene Identification Approach: Progress and Challenges |
Author(s): |
V. Deepa , PSGR krishnammal College of arts and science; N. Varsha, PSGR krishnammal College of arts and science; M. Varshinee, PSGR krishnammal College of arts and science |
Keywords: |
Candidate gene approach, information bottleneck, digital candidate gene approach |
Abstract |
Gene expression profile analysis is the study of the way in which genes are transcribed to produce functional gene products (functional RNA species or protein products). There has been tremendous innovation in gene expression technologies, including high-throughput assays such as microarrays, and sequence-based techniques such as RNA-Seq. The Gene expressions are collected and analyzed for normal or disease genes. Using this project the system can diagnose types of diseases and abnormalities which may affect the user. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I110115 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 11 Publication Date: 01/02/2020 Page(s): 217-219 |
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