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City Size Distribution in India: A Geographical Perspective


Renu Sharma , B.L.J.S. COLLEGE,TOSHAM(HARYANA); Prof. Randhir Singh Sangwan, M.D.UNIVERSITY,ROHTAK


City-size, Law of Rank-size rule, Law of Primate city, Zipf’s law


The study of distribution of urban places is of paramount importance in analyzing various urban concepts. In every country there are cities of different sizes. In general large cities are small in number and small cities are large in number. Researchers have investigated if there is any pattern in city-size distribution. This has resulted in two main patterns. They are expressed by two laws or rules, namely Law of Primate city, and Rank-size rule. This paper is concerned with city-size distribution of India. An attempt has been made to find out, whether the city-size distribution of India conforms to any of these two patterns stated above. The study has been made in historical perspective so that the changing pattern may also be brought out. The paper has checked the applicability of Rank Size on India taking top thirteen ranking cities of the country. The study is based on population data pertaining to 13 highly populated cities in the year 2001. The cities are Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Ahmadabad, Pune, Surat and Kanpur. The data is obtained from Census of India. Five cities namely Mumbai, Chennai, Pune, Surat and Kanpur have population less than what they should have according to Rank-Size rule. Other cities have more than expected. Rank-Size rule is not applicable as all cities have population less than estimated Rank Size population. Taking Mumbai as 1st city, the primacy index is giving value less than actual population of all the cities prevalent in this town.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I110152
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 11
Publication Date: 01/02/2020
Page(s): 254-260

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