The Management Study of Construct of Funds in Rural Women Entrepreneurs in District Utter Pradesh |
Author(s): |
Parul , United Institute of Management under AKTU, Lucknow , Approved by All India Council for Technical Education. |
Keywords: |
Rural women Entrepreneur, E-SHAKTI, NABARD |
Abstract |
Rural women Entrepreneur is very helpful idea in rural area because make of women self independently and goal achiever. Rural area is very weaker section in Indian Economy so that this area very important role plays in improves our poverty line, Gross Domestic Product and Higher Education. Even mostly motivated women are doing struggle for best opportunities and ideas now a days. Overall NABARD is very helpful in this initiative of government. Rural women are poor in Manage of funds and generate of new funds so make one strategy between NABARD and rural women. This strategy is that combination of proper resources, funds and quality of this includes quickly training of employees for new update in technology, enhance saving income, building of friendly culture, no face valve only output based support. Microfinance targets the rural and urban households, with an emphasis on women borrowers, provisions of finance for creation of assets and their maintenance and bringing in greater quality of services. The rural poor women are incapacitated due to various reasons because most of them are socially backward, illiterate, with low motivation and poor economic base. Individually, a poor person is not only weak in socio-economic terms but also lacks access to knowledge and information, which are the most important Components of today’s development process. This is possible when we focused on highly output; maintain women confidence, success thinking power. Because finance maintain is very difficult for women and many women cannot recreate of funds, no control of optimum utilization of funds and inflation, and no have saving income facilities. So Every women entrepreneur should kwon of role and responsibilities regard our loan amount, socially wealth fare, enhance saving income through paid for good quality of our services , make of satisfaction level ,use of formal culture and complete legal formalities like audit ,documentation ,taxation. The main objectives of this study are to optimum utilization of funds, recreate of funds and identify of various challenges for rural area women entrepreneurs and improve financial condition of rural area. Descriptive and exploratory research has been used in this study. Exploratory research asked that how many kinds of challenges in fields and descriptive research asked that used of optimum utilization of fund, recreate of funds and improve income impact. The Very Important information is that 36 percent direct financing in rural area, 53 percent refinancing to Micro finance Institutions and 5 percent for investment. The largest community based on Micro Finance programme in world 8.5 million self-help Groups 100 million Rural HHs. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I110208 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 11 Publication Date: 01/02/2020 Page(s): 370-372 |
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