Automatic Vehicle Speed Controlling Device by using RF(Radio Frequency)Transmitter and Receiver, Microcontroller System |
Author(s): |
Suyash Devidas Shirbhate , RMD Sinhgad College Of Engineering,Pune; Kiran Naganath Ghuge, SKN Sinhgad College Of Engineering,Pune; Harish Sanjay Joshi, RMD Sinhgad College Of Engineering,Pune; Priyesh Priyadarshi, SKN Sinhgad College Of Engineering,Pune |
Keywords: |
Transmitter and Receiver, Microcontroller System, RF (Radio Frequency), Automatic Vehicle Speed Controlling Device |
Abstract |
In this paper we have discussed about automatic vehicle speed controlling device by RF transmitter and receiver system. Nowadays number of vehicles are running on roads. In many areas such as cities, highways and some speed restricted zones such as hospitals, schools etc., where we need to slower the speed of our vehicles. So, this device will automatically lowers the speed of vehicles but only for cars, trucks etc. whenever vehicles enter such types of zone. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I110222 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 11 Publication Date: 01/02/2020 Page(s): 323-324 |
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