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Examination of Fingerprints in Relation in Relation to Gender Classification


Prasansha Singla , Amity University, manesar, gurugram, haryana; Shipra Rohatgi, Amity Institute of Forensic Sciences, Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh


Fingerprints, loops, Whorls, Arches, Gender


Fingerprint is most important evidence which commonly encountered in mainly all types of crime scene. Gender classification from fingerprint has a pivotal role in the forensic anthropology in order to identify the gender of the criminal and minimize the list of suspects search. Despite the advent of advance technology as DNA fingerprint, methods such as lip print and fingerprint analysis and mandibular canine index calculation are routinely used in gender differentiation, as they are simple and cost effective. Fingerprints evidence is undoubtedly the most reliably and acceptable evidence till the date in the court of law because fingerprint pattern are unique in each individual and chance of two person having identical fingerprint is very rare Method: Due to immense potential of fingerprints as an effective method of identification has been made in present work to analysis the different gender belonging to different age group. This study was carried out on 100 subjects (50 male and 50 females) of age 0 to 60. Result: Result shows that loop fingerprint pattern was prominent in male and female and the arches were found in least frequency in all the other patterns.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I110223
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 11
Publication Date: 01/02/2020
Page(s): 264-275

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