Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Based Text to Speech Converter for Visually Impaired |
Author(s): |
Smita Bhojraj Borole , Bhavans College of Science Andheri; Ashok Pawar, Bhavans College of Science Andheri |
Keywords: |
OCR (Optical Character Recognition), TTS (Text To Speech), PIXEL (Pi Improved X Window Environment, Lightweight,), DSI (Display Serial Interface), HDMI cable, USB (Universal Serial Bus), GPIO (General Purpose Input Output Pin) |
Abstract |
Visual impairment, also known as Visual loss which is one of the biggest limitations for humanity, especially in this century where information is communicated a lot by electronic messages such as e-mail. The device we have presented aims to help people having problem regarding vision loss, blindness. The present paper has introduced a device that converts an image’s text to speech. The basic structure underlying a system is the camera captures an image, OCR helps to extracts only the region of interest (i.e. region of the image that contains text) and converts that text to speech. It is implemented using a Raspberry Pi and a Raspberry Pi camera. The captured image undergoes steps of image pre-processing steps to identify only that part of the image that contains the text and removes the background. Two modules are used to convert the new image (which contains only the text) to speech i.e. Optical Character Recognition software and Text-to-Speech engines. The programming language used is Python. The audio output is heard through the raspberry pi’s audio jack using speakers or earphones. This device consists of three modules, image processing for written text count, cropping of the image and reading an image. |
Other Details |
Paper ID: IJSRDV7I110484 Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 11 Publication Date: 01/02/2020 Page(s): 296-298 |
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