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Solar Power Fencing System using GSM


Sanjay Gautam , madhukarrao pandav college of engineering,bhilewada,bhandara; Shubham S. Nannaware, madhukarrao pandav college of engineering,bhilewada,bhandara; Sonam A. Dhawale, madhukarrao pandav college of engineering,bhilewada,bhandara; Mrunali I. Bandebuche, madhukarrao pandav college of engineering,bhilewada,bhandara; Lekram Bahekar, madhukarrao pandav college of engineering,bhilewada,bhandara


GSM Modem, Sensor, Fence, Agriculture


Asian country, with very vast agricultural lands has completely different crops. But few crops are destroyed due to animals that’s why a protection is needed to avoid wasting the crops from animal. Solar Fencing Perimeter Protection is the need of modern-day to the growing security threat in denying, detection whereas having the inbuilt capability to serve as deterrent. In this project, we design and implement Fencing Perimeter Protection for agriculture. . It works on Solar Energy with backup facility to run uninterruptedly during the nights as well as cloudy days. When any object is touched by fencing then immediately controller sends the message to the authorized person through the GSM modem, and it is interfaced with the controller. At the same time buzzer and light will on. . Solar Powered Fence is scientific Fen.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I11118
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 1
Publication Date: 01/04/2019
Page(s): 1615-1617

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