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Soldier Security using GCRT Devices in Truculent Situation


Jagtap Manisha Ashok , SND Coe &Rc ; Maid Deepali S., SND COE & RC; Birari Shruti S., SND COE &RC; Loharkar Pradnya P., SND COE & RC; Dhakane Vikas N., SND COE & RC


GPS, Temperature sensor, Biomedical Sensor, Controller


In present era, the threat of enemies plays an important role in security of any state. In this prospective, the military soldiers plays an important and vital role. There are several considerations concerning the security of those soldiers. So for the security purpose of soldier, a number of equipment or devices are attached with them to take the look on their health status and their current position. Health relating sensors like HeartBeat rate sensor, body temperature measuring sensor, transmission and processing capabilities, can thus help to make low-cost wearable solutions for health monitoring. GPS used for basically point the latitude and longitude to find exact location of soldier. So by using these equipments we are trying to implement the basic life guarding system for soldier in low cost and high reliability.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I20557
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2019
Page(s): 623-625

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