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Closed Coupled Pump


Suhas Arude , Dr.d.y.patil college of engineering pune pin 412105; Harshad Badre, Dr.d.y.patil college of engineering pune pin 412105; Jitendra Jadhav, Dr.d.y.patil college of engineering pune pin 412105; Sushant Dhole, Dr.d.y.patil college of engineering pune pin 412105; Prof. Sarange Sir, Dr.d.y.patil college of engineering pune pin 412105


Pump, Coupled


Close-coupled pumps are characterized by a common motor and pump shaft or by their motor shaft and pump shaft being rigidly connected in a pump casing. The pump casing is bolted to the drive flange rather than being installed on pump feet. This enables straightforward installation as the shafts and casings do not need to be aligned. This reason itself added by improper or no lubrication of bearings results in 80% of pump system problems and hence we have decided to give a thought to eliminate these major problems in our closed coupled pump.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I21207
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 2
Publication Date: 01/05/2019
Page(s): 1585-1587

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