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Security System using Raspberry PI & PI Camera




Raspberry PI, WSN, LED


In recent days the security represents the most significant part of the human being life. As of now the cost is the greatest factor. This system is very helpful for reducing the cost of examine the movement from outside. With the existing surveillance techniques, CCTV is the most commonly used one. Although it has its own limitations. It is a passive monitoring device and it needs continuous human intervention for monitoring. The investigation is a little bit hectic thing since all the previously recorded videos need to be watched manually. Moreover files can be corrupted very easily and this technique is too costly. These limitations lead to the development of active security system. The main goal of this paper is to protect Home, workplace, organization, factories by monitoring peoples. In this paper, if any person wants to come inside, press the PUSH BUTTON after that Raspberry Pi sensor sends command to pi camera to capture the picture & save it. Then gate is opened for while & later it gets closed.

Other Details

Paper ID: IJSRDV7I50173
Published in: Volume : 7, Issue : 5
Publication Date: 01/08/2019
Page(s): 248-251

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